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Insights4Care Overview

i4C Program Notice 

Thank you for your interest in OntarioMD's Insights4Care (i4C) Program. The program, including the i4C Dashboard, is no longer available as of September 30, 2024. 

If you are exploring ways to replace the i4C Dashboard's functionality, please visit OMD's Advisory Service. The OMD Advisory Service can help you leverage your EMR's inherent functionality to manage your patients. It provides coaching as well as onsite or virtual practice support to ensure you are getting the most out of your EMR. An Advisor can help determine the best options for you (e.g., group workshops or personalized support) based on your deadlines and other factors.

The OMD Advisory Service has developed a toolkit for TELUS PSS users that replaces a lot of the i4C Dashboard's functionality. Please visit the PSS Clinic Toolkit page for more information and to download the toolkit.

If you are an i4C Dashboard user and have a question about the retirement of the tool, please review the Frequently Asked Questions below or contact

Replacing Some Functionality of the i4C Dashboard

The OntarioMD (OMD) Insights for Care (i4C) Dashboard will be retired effective September 30, 2024 (revised from the previously communicated date of December 31, 2024). The i4C Dashboard, a tool integrated into various certified EMRs has been an important resource for clinicians, providing valuable insights from EMR data for population and individual patient care management. It is being retired in favour of a broader provincial focus on other clinical tools. Clinicians may opt to assume the licence costs to continue using the dashboard.

Impact on Clinicians:

Clinicians currently using the i4C Dashboard will no longer have their licences funded by OMD. There may be an opportunity to assume the contracts directly with the EMR vendors and continue using the Dashboard at their own expense.

OMD's Advisory Service has developed a toolkit for TELUS PSS EMR users that replicate some of the functionalities of the i4C Dashboard. OMD will support clinicians who wish to leverage these searches. For users of other OMD-certified EMRs, the OMD Advisory Service can help you access the inherent functionality in your EMR to manage your patient populations. Please contact to request an OMD Advisor near you.

Frequently Asked Questions

i4C Dashboard Retirement and Licences

Why is OMD retiring the i4C Program, including the i4C Dashboard?

OMD is retiring the Insights4Care (i4C) Program and Dashboard because the province is in favour of a broader provincial focus on other clinical tools.

When will OMD retire the i4C Dashboard?

OMD will retire the i4C Dashboard for participating clinicians on September 30, 2024. This is a change from the previous end date of December 31, 2024.

How will the end of the i4C Dashboard affect clinicians currently using it?

Clinicians will no longer have their i4C Dashboard licences funded by OMD.


TELUS PSS Users Only — Replacing the i4C Dashboard Functionality

What support will OMD provide to clinicians after the i4C Dashboard is retired?

OMD's Advisory Service has developed a toolkit for TELUS PSS to emulate categories and indicators that are currently available through the i4C Dashboard. OMD can provide support to clinicians who wish to leverage this toolkit. If you are not a TELUS PSS user, please contact OMD at to discuss potential alternatives for your practice needs.

What are the available care indicator categories included in the toolkit for TELUS PSS users?

The OMD Advisory Service has developed this toolkit that replaces some of the functionality users had with the i4C Dashboard:

  • Adult immunizations
  • Adult obesity
  • Cancer screening
  • Childhood immunizations
  • Coronary artery disease
  • Diabetes management
  • Hypertension
  • Opioids
  • Patient panel
  • Smoking status

Where can TELUS PSS users find the toolkit?

This toolkit is available on

Can multiple users in a clinic use the toolkit?

Yes, multiple users within a clinic can access and use the toolkit. One installation can be shared across multiple clinicians using the same EMR instance. Administrators also can control access by granting specific users' visibility to the toolbar displaying the embedded searches, while excluding those users who do not wish to see the toolbar.

Can support staff access the toolkit?

Yes, support staff can be given access to the toolkit, allowing them to assist clinicians with managing and acting on patient lists on their behalf.

What types of data can I analyze with the toolkit?

The toolkit developed by OMD for TELUS PSS EMR users can assist you with identifying, analyzing, and gaining insight within patient populations using data from your EMR. Leveraging the data within your EMR in real time, you can monitor and action key areas such as Preventive Screening, Chronic Disease Management, Opioid Use, and more.

How does the toolkit compare with the Insights4Care (i4C) Dashboard?

Included in the toolkit is a toolbar with clickable buttons, each representing distinct categories of indicators. It can be configured to display across all patient charts or a dedicated fictitious patient chart.

The clickable buttons on the toolbar list the title of the indicator categories and, unlike the Insights4Care (i4C) Dashboard, does not feature visual elements such as pie graphs or bar charts. Instead, clicking on a category from the toolbar opens a window with a list of related searches. When selecting a search, the user is prompted to enter an MD/NP number to filter the results to that specific clinician. The search then generates a list of patients using real-time EMR data, allowing the user to take action for patient care, much like with i4C Dashboard. One advantage is that the toolkit will make the customization much more feasible, which was not a feature in the i4C Dashboard.

How can I find information about the preventive care bonus, which is not in the toolkit?

You can leverage the already inherent functionality of your EMR, which includes built-in reporting features for preventive care bonuses. These reports are designed to provide information on preventive care bonuses and will help you understand your current status and details related to these bonuses.

How do I customize the toolkit?

Advanced users can tailor searches and tools to fit their practice by adding indicators and care categories. However, altering pre-defined searches or tools can lead to errors or patient safety risks. OMD strongly advises against modifying the original tools. Instead, make copies for customization. Only advanced users should undertake this, and all changes should be carefully reviewed to ensure patient data accuracy.

Can other users access my data from the toolkit?

As it was with Insights4Care (i4C) Dashboard, by selecting a provider from the drop-down provider list, support staff and other users will still be able to access and generate data for any user. They can do this by entering the MD/NP number when performing a search.

What should I do if patients are inaccurately included in lists generated by the toolkit?

The indicator definitions, published by OMD, are accessible though Help files embedded within the toolkit which details the EMR data elements, format, and requirements for each indicator. If you notice inaccuracies in the patient lists, please review the relevant Help file for that indicator to confirm you are recording the data as required. Additionally, please review the data in the patient chart to validate its accuracy and integrity.

I have reviewed the toolkit Help resources and the patient data, but I still need assistance. How can I get support with understanding the data?

The OMD Advisory Service supports clinicians to maximize the value from their EMRs and other practice technologies. To request the OMD Advisory Service in your practice, email us at

I have tried installing the toolkit from the website, but it is not working. How can I get technical support for it?

For technical support, please contact To expedite the resolution process, make sure to include a detailed description of the issue you are facing.


Users of Other EMRs — Replacing the i4C Dashboard Functionality

Can the toolkit be replicated in all EMRs?

At this time, the toolkit is only available for TELUS PSS EMR users. However, clinicians can create individual searches to identify patient populations within their EMRs.

Clients using other OMD-certified EMRs who need support can contact the OMD Advisory Service at for assistance with gaining practice insights to better understand and optimize their practice.

If you need any additional information and support, please contact