Integrated EHR Products
Ontario’s health care system is becoming increasingly integrated through provincial electronic health record (EHR) products and services. OntarioMD (OMD) is integrating these provincial assets with electronic medical records (EMRs) used by clinicians in the community. Instead of navigating through myriad internet websites and managing multiple usernames and passwords, clinicians prefer to access provincial assets through their EMRs to streamline their workflow and save time. Accessing data from EHR products and services through their EMRs helps clinicians provide informed patient care and become better EMR users. OMD works with provincial partners to integrate the EHR products and services such as HRM®, OLIS, and eConsult with OMD-certified EMR Offerings. More than 20,000 clinicians in Ontario use an OMD-certified EMR.
Clinicians must use an OMD-certified EMR Offering to access provincial EHR products from their EMRs. If an EMR is no longer certified, the user will lose access to provincial EHR products (e.g., HRM and OLIS). The table below lists all OMD-certified EMR Offerings and the corresponding integration to provincial EHR products and services. In some cases, these integrated services are not yet deployed provincially and are only available for a limited audience.
OMD works with EMR vendors to advance provincial EHR products and services integration into their EMR Offerings. Please check this table regularly to see which products and services are available and whether your EMR vendor has completed integration.
OMD-Certified-EMR Offerings – Integrated Provincial EHR Products and Contextual Launch Services
(last updated April 3, 2024)
To learn more about connectivity to the available provincial EHR products and services in your EMR, contact your EMR vendor or OntarioMD (
HRM: Health Report Manager (HRM®)is a digital health solution that enables clinicians using an OMD-certified EMR to securely receive patient reports electronically from participating hospitals and specialty clinics.
OLIS: Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS) is a system that connects hospitals, community laboratories, public health laboratories and practitioners to facilitate the secure electronic exchange of laboratory test orders and results. Clinicians using an OMD-certified EMR can access the latest lab results for their patients or perform patient queries.
eConsult: eConsult improves patient care through timely access to specialist advice, and often eliminates the need to send patients for in-person specialist visits. eConsult integration with OMD-certified EMRs enables clinicians to send clinical questions about patients to specialists and receive prompt responses from within their OMD-certified EMRs.
i4C Dashboard: Insights4Care (i4C) Dashboard gives clinicians a real-time visual representation of their EMR data using widely recognized primary care indicators, each representing different preventive care and chronic disease management focus points (diabetes test results, smoking status, etc.) for better population health management. It is the only EMR dashboard in Canada that lets clinicians drill down to patient-level data to take immediate proactive steps to improve patient care.
Digital Health Drug Repository (DHDR): DHDR is a provincial resource that offers real-time access to dispensed drug and pharmacy service information that includes viewing publicly funded drugs dispensed in Ontario (including those paid by Ontario Drug Benefit program), and all dispensed and monitored drugs (including opioids). In addition, Ontarians’ COVID-19 vaccination information from COVaxON (the provincial COVID-19 vaccination management solution) is being made available through the DHDR. An OMD-certified EMR connected to the DHDR enables clinicians to access drug information from their EMRs.
* Digital Health Immunization Repository (DHIR): DHIR is a provincial resource that offers real-time access to immunization information as well as the ability to submit immunization information according to the provincial immunization schedule for public health purposes. An OMD-certified EMR connected to the DHIR enables clinicians to access and submit immunization information from their EMRs. DHIR remains a key focus at the provincial level, with ongoing attention on the necessary developments (e.g., legislative, policy, process) to bolster the facilitation of its delivery. Stay tuned for additional updates.
ClinicalConnect: ClinicalConnect is a secure, web-based portal that provides clinicians with real-time access to their patients’ electronic medical information from all acute care hospitals, Home & Community Care Services and Regional Cancer Programs in Southwest Ontario, plus comprehensive provincial data repositories. ClinicalConnect is targeted for clinicians in Southwest Ontario. Clinicians using an OMD-certified EMR can seamlessly launch ClinicalConnect directly from the patient’s chart.
Electronic Forms (eForms): eForms lets clinicians who use an OMD-certified EMR submit forms for their patients through their EMRs to various Ministries and other organizations. The forms’ data are transmitted as discrete data elements, eliminating the need for the receiving organization to manually transcribe data into their systems. The Ministry of Transportation (MTO) Driver Medical Review (DMR) form is currently available through this service as a trial, with additional forms being explored.