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EMR Validation Overview

EMR Validation is an integral part of the EMR Certification Program:

  1. The successful completion of the validation process against the set of Mandatory EMR Specifications (Certification Release) is a requirement for EMR offerings to achieve OMD certified status for the relevant jurisdiction.
  2. Validation is also used to recognize a certified EMR offering's alignment to other individual, Final-EMR Specifications (e.g. as needed to connect to a specific jurisdiction’s EHR product and service).

1. Validation for EMR Certification

EMR vendors interested in obtaining OMD EMR certification for their respective EMR offerings will be required to undergo the EMR validation process (see Certification Release for the set of EMR Specifications your EMR must demonstrate alignment to).

EMR Certification is a 5-stage process as shown in the figure below.  The vendor and their respective EMR offering will be required to go through the stages in sequential order.  Successful completion of each stage is a pre-requisite to continue to the next stage in the validation process.

Successful completion of ALL 5 stages of the EMR validation process and a signed EMR Vendor Certification Agreement will result in the EMR Offering being certified by OntarioMD. 

Stage 1: Application

Stage 2: Application Assessment 

Stage 3: Validation, Foundation and Functional Categories 

Stage 4: Validation, EHR Connectivity and Tools Category 

Stage 5: Reference Site Assessment

2. Validation for Individual Final EMR Specifications

EMR offerings must be Certified by OntarioMD to be eligible for access to provincial EHR Products and Services (see above).  In addition, validation of other Final EMR Specifications while not necessary for EMR Certification may still be required to access that provincial EHR product or service.

To learn more about EMR Validation for your EMR offering, please contact us at: